About us

Our firm was founded in 1980, known for its enormous range of frames, and all that is connected like frames, readymade frames,paintings and their accessories.

To reach Regalbuto:

To follow the motorway A19, gone out Catenanuova therefore to continue for Regalbuto.

To follow the SS 121, that is around 50 Km from Catania it passes really to Regalbuto.

Company Rappresentative Maccarrone

Tel: + 39 0935 910049
Mobile: + 39 338 27 19 506

Address Firm: via Giovanni Falcone 22, Regalbuto (Enna)
Tel: + 39 0935 91 00 49 
Fax: + 39 0935 91 01 98

Web Design Realization Copyright 2008 by Nicola Maccarrone